Lecture 7

03/13/23, M.



Infrared singularities: some additional interesting features of the low-energy physics of the electron gas associated with the gapless spectrum of the Landau Fermi liquid and the finite density of states for low-energy excitations.

"In physics, an infrared divergence (also IR divergence or infrared catastrophe) is a situation in which an integral, for example a Feynman diagram, diverges because of contributions of objects with very small energy approaching zero, or equivalently, because of physical phenomena at very long distances."


1. Friedel sum rule

From the static Lindhard approximation


Now we put a test point charge +Ze at the origin, producing a potential vext(q)=Ze2/ϵ0q2. For q0, the divergence of the potential leads to


that is, the screening charge completely neutralizes the external charge.

In the Fermi liquid approach, we treat the particles as nearly non-interacting.


2. Kondo problem

Dilute magnetic impurity in metals


Resistivity minima in Mo-Nb alloy with traces of magnetic Fe.

The essence of the problem is the exchange coupling of a local spin with the Fermi surface


where, with =1



We begin with a simpler problem



Now we renormalize the exchange interaction.


Kenneth Wilson’s non-perturbative numerical treatment of the flow equations (including the flow of many new coupling constants associated with new terms generated in the Hamiltonian) gives quantitatively accurate results valid down to arbitrarily low temperatures [134]. Quite remarkably, Nathan Andrei [135, 136] and Paul Wiegman [137] were later able to provide exact analytic expressions for the many-body eigenstate wave functions using Bethe ansatz methods.


3. Wavepacket in free space (1D)





4. Semiclassical dynamics

The time-dependent variational principle


the variation of which leads to the td Scho¨dinger equation.

Now we develop a generalized variational principle


λα(t) are time-dependent parameters.

The Lagrangian is then




The action


The Euler-Lagrange equation of motion is






We note that it is not accidental (偶然的) that Q and F are antisymmetric.


Consider an infinitesimal interval of time


The phase space volume


where the Jacobian matrix is


To find the determinant of J

(36)logdetJ= Tr logJ=(αQαγ)γH

We find


Trivial case: Q or F independent of λ, then detJ=1


phase space density is constant. This is the Liouville theorem.

Generally, the dynamics has nontrivial geometry, and we now have the generalized Liouville theorem for Eq. (37). Let's suppose we can make an invertible change of coordinates λ(ξ), such that Q(ξ) is independent of ξ. Then we have[1]


Transforming back to λ


So we have


The genialized Liouville theorem




Reference and notes

[1] Since F is antisymmetric and real valued, it can be orthogonally diagonalized with imaginary eigenvalues


So we can choose


which turns out to be real-valued.