Lecture 18

04/24/23, M.


1. Winding number

The 1D Hamiltonian matrix


We require hz=0, this leads to the so-called chiral symmetry, so that h lives on a plane. We also require the system to be gapless everywhere in the BZ, so that h(k)0, for all k. This means the origin of the hx-hy plane is removed, leaving the R2{0}, the punctured plane.

Then we have map


where T1 is the Brillouin zone where k lives, and the S1 is the unit circle on the hx-hy plane. The map forms a group called the fundamental group of a circle, which is isomorphic (同构) to the integer group (by addition)


The circles form a group by path composition, which is part of the elementary discussoin in algebraic topology, which we cannot go into any details here.

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In integer n is a topological invariant, called the winding number (绕数).

2. The boundary state

Join n=0 and n=1 SSH chains

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The region between the two chains shows a slow (adiabatic) transition from n=0 to n=1, which is called a soliton (孤子).

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As the image of h^ continuously deforms form n=1 to n=0, or vice versa, it is bound to "snag the hole". When this happens, the band gap closes. In other words, there is gauranteed to be some boundary states that have no gap between the two SSH chains.

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The winding number is a topological numer classifiying the two phases on the chain. And as the topology changes continuously from one region of the space to another, keeping the symmetry unchanged (chiral symmetry in this case), there is bound to be a place where the gap closes. This is called the principle of bulk-boundary correspondence.

The boundary states arising due to change of topology are then given the name: topologically protected boundary (edge, or surface) states, or zero modes sometimes.

Let us work out the boundary states explicitly. Near k=π

(4)h(k)[0t1t2+i t2kt1t2i t2k0]

Set t2=1 (as the energy units), and u=t1/t21. Then

(5)h(k)=[0u+i kui k0]=[0ud/dxud/dx0]

The Schrodinger equation then reads




The zero mode then corresponds to


Consider two regimes:



3. 2D Dirac fermion with mass

The Hamiltonian


The Berry flux

(13)dkxdky Ωxky=Σ(m)dθdϕ Ωθϕ=πsign(m).

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If we can design a graphene with a pair of massive Dirac Fermions with the same sign of masses, then the total Berry flux will take a integer, nonzero value of ±2π. And there is some sort of topology, which looks like wrapping around the sphere once.

Indeed, this corresponds to the so-called Haldane model, first proposed by Duncane Haldane in 1988.

Consider spinless elecrtron on a honeycomb lattice, with nearest-nerighbor (NN最近邻) and next-nearest-neighbor (NNN 次近邻) hoppings

(14)H=R,R(t)(aR+bR+H.c .)NN hopping+R,R(t)aR+aRHA+R,R(t)bRbRHBNNN hopping

It should be noticed that the NNN hopping cannot open a band gap, as the Dirac point is protected by inversion and time-reversal symmetries. The NNN hopping breaks neither.

To open a band gap, Haldane introduced a staggered (交错的) magnetic field

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Consider the A sites. As the electron moves around a triangle, as shown below, it picks up an Aharonov-Bohm's phase. We can average the phase to the three bonds, because of the 3-fold rotational symmetry


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Likewise, for the triangle of B sites, the phase picked up has the same magnitude but opposite sign, so we have complex hopping for NNN


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Note that the phase would be zero for the hexagon, enclosed by 6 NN hoppings. So the NN hopping remains unchanged.

Then we have

(19) Denote ka1=k1,ka2=k2

Denote ka1=k1,ka2=k2, and


we have, for the NNN term on A-sublattice


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Likewise, for B-sublattice


The consequence of the new Hamiltonian can be seen by lienearzing the Hamiltonian near K(τ=1) or K(τ=1)




Non-zero, quantized Berry flux occurs when the two valleys have opposite masses.

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This leads to the quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE). There is an chiral edge state. Chiral here means the edge state moves one way, not the other. so there is not going to be backscattering. So the edge transport is insensitive to (elastic) scattering, as there can be no back scattering


How to measure the QAHE?

(26)σ=[σbulk e2/he2/hσbulk ]ρ=σ1=[ρxxρxyρyxρyy]





Figure caption

source: https://physics.aps.org/articles/v8/41

Another way to understand the chirality. The grand potential is


So we have the Maxwell relation




We find that in the gap


So there must be a current circulation that produces the orbital magnetic momentum in the QAHE regime.

Final question, what is the geometric meaning of Chern number in this case?

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It is easy to verify that

(33)c=14πBZdkxdky h^h^kx×h^ky

which is a map from the BZ (T2) to a unit sphere (S2) in R3


which again forms a group by path composition (路径复合, jargon in algebraic topology), that is isomorphic to the integer group. Hence the Chern number.

Two 2D Hamiltonians can have vastly different appearance, but if they have the same Chern number, they are in the same equivalence class and have they same topology.